The Ongoing Evolution of Cloud in Capital Markets

Compared with other industries, the financial markets sector has been relatively slow to adopt cloud. Much of the inertia has been due to concerns – whether real or perceived – around issues such as complexity, security, regulation/compliance and data sovereignty.

Recently however, with these concerns steadily being addressed, cloud has become much more viable in the capital markets industry. Adoption of cloud-based solutions is rapidly accelerating for a range of business applications, across the back office, the middle office and increasingly the front office.

One noticeable outcome of this trend is that both vendors and financial institutions are increasingly bringing products to market that are offered ‘as-a-Service’, requiring negligible up-front investment in infrastructure by end-customer firms.

In this Financial Markets Insights report from Equinix and The Realization Group, Mike O’Hara learns from Judith Swan of Microsoft, Catalina Vazquez of Refinitiv, Seetharam Gorre of Pico, Felix Grevy of Finastra, Gordon McArthur of Beeks Financial Cloud, Isabel Pitt of Lloyds Bank, Amit Bothra of PwC and James Maudslay of Equinix about the challenges and opportunities of utilising public, private and hybrid cloud to build out unique ‘as-a-Service’ offerings.

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