Addressing the challenges of selling software and technology into the Financial Markets sector

Selling technology and software into the financial markets sector is a challenging proposition. Sales cycles can be lengthy, running from months to years in some cases. The technology is complex. Decision-makers can be spread across the globe. The regulatory environment is constantly changing. And changes in key personnel and organizational structures occur regularly, particularly when acquisitions and mergers take place.

In such a dynamic environment, what are the best marketing and sales practices that firms can adopt in order to increase their chances of success?

In this Financial Markets Insights report from The Realization Group, Mike O’Hara discusses with Debbie Brown of Broadridge Financial Solutions, Matthew Cheung of ipushpull, Carl Rogers of Finceler8, Alastair Rutherford of Ascendant Strategy, James Hounslow of Harrington Starr and Colin Slight of The Realization Group, how selling high-value solutions to a small, finite group of potential customers requires a fundamentally different sales, marketing and lead nurturing approach to selling lower value solutions to a larger pool of customers.

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