Building the Bridges of Post-Trade Pragmatism

Across the capital markets industry, the current global pandemic has placed a renewed focus on resilience. Particularly within the post-trade environment, the debate around the levels of automation needed not only for greater process resilience, but also increased efficiency, has been re-energised.

Record volumes may have been good for short-term revenues but have also highlighted the complex and people-intensive processes that compensate for the lack of automation in many areas. But how many organisations have truly delivered on their strategic investment agendas to deliver sustainable and resilient post-trade operating models through greater process standardisation and automation?

Given the regulators’ increasing focus on this area and the relentless economic pressures driving the need for greater efficiency, most firms recognise the need for action. But does the sheer size and scope of the challenge limit the ability of ‘off the shelf’ solutions to deliver impactfully and make it a daunting prospect for the C-suite to address effectively?

In this Financial Markets Insights report from The Realization Group, Mike O’Hara asks Jonathan May of Nomura, Brian Shanahan of NatWest Markets, Commerzbank’s Simon Hornibrook, Dominic Cashman of TP/ICAP, John O’Hara of Taskize, Matthew Cheung of ipushpull and Ali Rutherford of Ascendant Strategy, what successful strategies organisations can adopt to deliver greater resilience and efficiency across their post-trade domains.

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