The value in being heard

Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA) have the potential to significantly increase the efficiency of financial services organisations. Both use large data sets, which their algorithms and machine learning capabilities can process to aid decision-making.

Additionally, the compliance requirements of securities regulation require more and more data to be captured across multiple disparate communications channels.

What is the link between the two? How can new approaches to data capture, correlation, analysis and process automation turn tick-box compliance exercises into fuel for the future of finance?

In this paper, The Realization Group examines new models for generating smart business intelligence from captured communications data, using AI and RPA technology, with contributions from Will McDonald at Telstra; Bradley Hopkins of Company85; Steve Garrood of Insightful Technology; Ray Bricknell of Behind Every Cloud; Terry Walby at Thoughtonomy and Brian Wates of Pragmatic Process Automation.

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