McKay Brothers Distributes Cboe UK Cash Equities at LSE at Lowest Known Latency

July 18, 2023 (London & Geneva) McKay Brothers International SA (MBI) launched its newest lowest known latency market data service, distributing Cboe UK cash equities raw data at the London Stock Exchange via its wireless QRD service. Cboe UK equities data is sourced at Slough-LD4 and then distributed at the LSE’s Telehouse North 2 data center. The QRD service distributes the full Cboe UK CXE and BXE feeds in their native exchange format.
“We are thrilled to offer traders the fastest Cboe UK cash equities data at the LSE,” says MBI Managing Director Francois Tyc. “Our UK cash equities service is an excellent complement to the other ultra-low latency wireless market data and private bandwidth services we offer in Europe.”
MBI distributes both raw and normalized market data to key exchange-trading European hubs in London, Frankfurt, Bergamo/Milan, Zurich and Madrid. The company sources data from the world’s most important financial exchanges, including Eurex, ICE-Liffe, the London Metal Exchange, Cboe EU and the CME Group. MBI’s extensive wireless European private bandwidth services connect the UK and Frankfurt, Zurich, and Milan/Bergamo at the lowest known latency, as well as Frankfurt with Zurich and Bergamo/Milan.